4 Types of Learning Styles In Education

Everyone has their own unique way of learning, known as a learning style. Understanding different learning styles in education and how best to support each type of learner is essential for educational professionals. That’s the answer to “what are learning styles in education?” but it’s valuable to also have some knowledge of what the main styles of learning are and how you can help students learn effectively. So what are the different learning styles in education? Here are the four important ones to know about.

Visual learners

Visual learners tend to be learn more successfully while looking at pictures or illustrations of new ideas. When you’re working with visual learners, whiteboards or smartboards will come in handy. Handouts and visual presentations are also great tools. You can give students the opportunity to draw their own diagrams and pictures, either in their own workbooks or on the board, to reinforce concepts.

Auditory learners

Auditory learners absorb information effectively when they hear it. Lectures, verbal presentations, and spoken instructions tend to suit this type of learner. Aural learners might often be the first to ask a question so they can clarify new ideas. You can support this type of learner by engaging them in discussion or encouraging them to work in a group with others where they can verbally share ideas.

Kinaesthetic learners

Kinaesthetic learners learn by actively participating in tasks. Role plays and case studies can be useful teaching tools. Encouraging these students to get involved is a good way of helping them to learn. Students can act out scenes or put themselves in the shoes of a character to really get to grips with the material. You can also encourage movement through learning games, which can also be helpful for kinaesthetic learners.

Reading/Writing learners

Reading/writing learners are most comfortable when new concepts or instructions are written down rather than explained verbally. Taking notes can also help these learners to remember new information. Factsheets and textbooks can be particularly valuable tools for supporting reading/writing learners. Often these students also find it helpful to refer back to written information.

Supporting Different Learning Styles

In most classes you’re likely to encounter learners with a mixture of different styles. Incorporating a range of teaching tools and techniques into your lessons can help you to cater to everyone. If you’re looking for teaching work in Milton Keynes, Bedfordshire, or Northamptonshire, contact Coba Education today to learn more about our supply teacher agency.


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