How To Create a Positive Classroom Environment

A positive classroom environment is essential for students' success, but what is a positive learning environment in the classroom?

A positive learning environment is a setting that offers safety, trust, respect and open conversations between students and teachers. Developing a positive environment should start on the first day of school, but it is never too late to get started. Below are a few tips on how to create an effective learning environment in a classroom.

Create A Structure For Your Students

Structure is extremely important in a learning environment. Setting behavioural and academic expectations from the very beginning enables students to know what is required of them at all times, negating the need to tell them off.

Creating structure in a classroom goes hand in hand with accountability, so let your students know that actions have consequences. Be tough, but listen to them and take what they say to heart. This will help your students gain a sense of responsibility for their actions and create order in the classroom.

Allow The Students To Get To Know You

Students have preconceived notions about their teachers. So, it is up to you to create the perception you want your students to have of you. A Q&A session on the first day is a great way to break the ice and give students some insight into who you are. Doing this creates a free and comfortable learning environment and helps nurture a trust-based relationship between you and your students.

Address The Students' Psychological Needs

Students come from different backgrounds. So, to make them feel comfortable in your classroom, you must create a sense of love and belonging, safety, freedom, personal power, and fun. Addressing these needs will help improve student engagement and reduce behaviour incidences.

Celebrate Success Where Necessary

Although rewards, monetary or otherwise, are discouraged in a learning environment, celebrating successes can make students feel valued and encourage them to do better. Unlike rewards, which are hinted at ahead of time, a celebration is a spontaneous event meant to recognize achievement. You can select a class goal and put on a celebration when it is reached. The rewards should not be placed as a necessity since the primary purpose is to ensure the students put more effort into learning.

Creating a positive learning environment in the classroom can change students' perspectives towards learning and produce outstanding results. Read our blog or get in touch with us today for more insight on how to create a safe environment for students.

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